Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Blog post 5

Recently, I had severe challenges creating a survey on Surveymonkey connected to my dissertation. When I mentioned this to a colleague, she said, "What's the problem? It's all right there for you!" After fumbling with it for another several hours, I discovered that she was correct and that it wasn't nearly as challenging as I was making it out to be. This and other travails are commonplace with me when attempting to learn about a new technological advance. Usually, I first complain about the immense difficulty of the new learning without giving it my full attention. Then, once I focus on the issue, I discover it is a relatively simple intellectual acquisition. Surveymonkey, for example, is pretty darn simple! Unfortunately, heretofore, my apprehension prevented me from acquiring a valuable piece of information that I could have been using all along. For this reason, I am thankful for education/ academic training, because it forces me to operate outside of my comfort zone(s).

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